Wednesday, September 02, 2009

It goes without saying...

...this blog is temporarily out of order. Sad, right?

BUT, I 1,000% promise it will be back and swinging SOON! I have so much to blog about. And, most importantly, I MISS ALL OF YOU! :(

Hang tight just a little longer. We can rekindle our online relationship (and trust me, I'm prepared to do the mending to make things right between us again!).

P.S. The house may be THE HOUSE! YIKES! Any home buying advice?

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Holly said...

yay! a post! a house! so wonderful! you already know my advice. i can't wait to move into the mother-in-law suite... :) okay, now I'm going to bed. :)

Rachel said...

Hurry up and buy that house so I can come visit!


Andrea Hatch said...

Maybe you should try riding Tracks to see if anything inspires you. Just kidding, but I can't wait when you get this started back up! Good luck on your house hunting!

Alex said...

Grrr!!!! Keep blogging!!! I know you are so busy but....

jen said...

I have about a million home buying tips since counseling people on their purchases around the country is what i do for a living. I guess the best advice is to work with a Realtor, get a home inspection and always be prepared to walk away from the deal. :)
Good luck - it's very exciting! Though that kitchen is way too pretty for me. I would be afraid to cook in it and mess it up!

Ashley McNair said...

How about a comparison on using that beautiful kitchen versus one that say, you have to climb into the cabinets to get anything and that doesn't have a place for cookie sheets! We're crossing our fingers for you guys!

Стив said... хороши!