Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Wednesday: cozy beautiful

Two nights ago I was up until 1 a.m. folding laundry/performing surgery to extract the bedroom "reading" chair from a mountain of clothes.

Fast-forward to this morning: a last-minute fashion tornado swept through the bedroom, leaving chaos in its wake. The outfit I planned in my head looked ridiculous in practice. So I regrouped.

Cozy Beautiful

- (new, alright I caved--I told you this experiment wasn't going as planned) cerulean blue angora sweater with velvet tie back, bell sleeves and silk, velvet and knitted flowers cascading down the bodice
- black wide-leg trowsers
- black nosegay studs

- black pointy-toe pumps

- black cami
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Erika @ Andover ClOthing said...

I LOVE the new purchase. :)

Rachel said...

I am glad you caved, that is an awesome purchase!

Rachel said...

Oh I heard a story today on the radio that puts your misadventures on the metro to shame. Some girl in London (28yrs old) was waiting for the subway train, felt sick, went up and leaned her head over the rail to throw up...well the train came and hit her in the head. Miraculously she is alive with a fractured skull etc.
So...don't throw up in front of a train.