Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Becky's Picks: How-to spring break, recession-style

There's nothing worse that popping by your friend's blog to see what their kid ate for dinner only to find a glowing recap of some exotic vacation. It hurts. A lot.

I would NEVER hurt you like that (mostly because I rarely take exotic, blog-worthy vacations). You know when you visit me on the Internet (or in person) you'll probably encounter some delicious bacon-y commentary, a party or two (low-fi is how we do), Misadventures on the Metro ("Divine," according to the author's mom) and possibly (maybe) something about a movie I've watched a couple of times.

(Did I really just publicly admit how boring my blog has become? Don't answer that.)

So this is totally
NOT a look-at-how-awesome-my-vacation-was-and-you-weren't-there-neiner-neiner-neiner post. It's not. Consider it more of a how-to:

Becky Wickstrom's Awesome Spring Break HOW-TO (recession-style):

Step 1. Find a content-rich, job-enhancing conference and ask your boss to send you. The sell is important, people. You should probably wear a business suit (you want the boss to know you're SERIOUS about this) and then "coincidentally" bake cookies for the entire office. Make like a short stop and cover your bases.
(Bonus points if one of the speakers is the genius behind Yes, the rake blended.)

Step 2. Pick a conference in a travel-worthy location. Be careful on this one -- do you honestly think the boss will send you to New Zealand? For a one-day networking meeting? I mean, you're a valued employee, but Vegas is a bit more reasonable.

Step 3. Make sure said conference is hosted at the nicest hotel in the city. But then check Travelocity for killer airfare/hotel packages at a fraction of the original price. (Note: Travelocity, endorsement check, please!).

Step 4. Bring a fun travel companion, thus achieving the magical combination of business trip/romantic getaway.
(Side tip: Feed travel companion bananas foster (full-throttle) gelato. Trust me. It will make the ride home MUCH more fun! Especially if the travel companion sits next to a squirmy, seat-filling/over-spilling lady on a four-hour flight home. And then she gets up to use the restroom, stumbles, grips the seat in front of her and creates a violent earthquake for the seat's occupant. Who subsequently flails his arms like a shocked octopus. Then, for the remainder of the trip, your travel companion refers to the incident as the "great earthquake/octopus arms incident of '09).
Step 5. Make the most of your evenings. Indulge in killer Mexican food, crepes, shows (but get separate checks so your boss can foot half of the bill). Then spend the second half of your half-day meetings by the pool. In the sun.
**Warning**: Returning to "normal" life after such an adventure is nearly impossible. You'll miss the 500-square-foot bathroom, you'll long for a visit to the incredible spa, you'll pine for another show. And oh those crepes! You'll have dreams swirled with bananas and nutella for weeks! And you'll never again be able to rid your thoughts of that unbelievable houndstooth wallpaper.My rating: 100/5 stars!

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DC Diva said...

For years Harley and I have been saying we're so "over" Vegas. After reading your post, it's the only place we want to be! (I guess we were "over" Vegas ghetto poor style... meaning staying at Motel 6 and eating at McDonalds.)

I'm so jealous you saw Ka!

I'm equally (almost) jealous you saw a Willitblend demo live! The "genius" is our friend's dad and we LOVE his demos!

You're "wholly uninspired" wardrobe still wholly INspires me! That top is so cute. Even at your "worst" you are FABULOUS!

Holly said...

you are so funny. wish i could have been there with you! i know you are dreaming of that houndstooth wallpaper! I hope Chris has recovered from the earthquake. lol.

Rachel said...

Oh I AM hurting and jealous! Too bad what happens in Vegas stays there, when it comes to that room!! I love big bathrooms!
And poor Chris, that is a hilarious story and can't wait to hear him tell it someday.
If you come for an interview please let me know, I will try and squeeze myself into your itinerary if at all possible! Love you!

Kara said...

Love Travelocity. Love Treasure Island's fabulous restaurants (we sampled the Steak House fare for free b/c of a timeshare demo- best ever). Best part of Vegas? Free nudey picture fliers you get on the strip...wait...what?

Jessica F. said...

Way too fun! I am pretty sure that at some point we are going to need to vacation are my kind of girl!!!!

Only three days.............

fritopi said...

wow, that place is faaaaancy!

Rachel said...

you are a genius. good tips! Bethany is inspired and is trying to go on a business trip to Minneapolis now. Can she bring Chris?

Kelsey said...

I hope your boss doesn't read your blog... :)

Jessica said...

Such a fun vacation! I am jealous.

Can't wait for this weekend!!!!

Cleat, Ida, and the crew said...

WOW - wish we could have gone with you guys. My seismologist husband could have done a quick analysis for you on the "great quake" event :) Sounds like you had a fun time. We need to pick a place and go!

jen said...

aww man, my business trips are with my boss and not nearly as glamorous.

i am drooling over that houndstooth wallpaper!