Monday, June 12, 2006

Bright Spot

Here's my bright spot of the week from Sunbeams:

In the middle of Sacrament Meeting, which is the first hour of church on Sunday before everyone splits up for classes, this cute little girl from my class came up and tapped me on the arm:

Sunbeam: [totally serious] "Hi Sister Becky. I'm really sorry but I'm not going to be in class today. We are going to visit my grandma so I'm leaving early. I just wanted to say sorry."
[using all the restrait I could muster to avoid sweeping her up in my arms and gushing about how darling she is] "Your grandma's? That will be so fun! We'll miss you, but we'll see you next week."
Funniest comment from our class about feelings:
Sunbeam: [during a beanbag game where everyone took turns saying what makes them happy] "I am happy when my new Sunbeam Taylor makes angry faces."
[confused, trying to recover] "I'm happy when you make funny jokes."
(side note: I drew faces on the chalk board and the kids guessed what feelings they represented: angry, sad, happy, excited. They started offering suggestions about what faces to draw. Try drawing "peaceful.")

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